Friday, 3 April 2015

Sometimes it can be a tough world out there.........

(I would like to thank Brainy Quote for this inspiring quotation)

Sometimes it can be a tough world out there with daily challenges that can often seem overwhelming and crippling. There never seems to be enough hours in the day or enough minutes to sit back and smell the roses. However you don't need to settle as it's all about choices. For example I love to sing and write songs, blog, use social media, learn new things and play tennis, but I also happen to be a busy mum of one, who was widowed last year and I now have to juggle running a household, being a landlady, investing in my future and keeping on top of my finances and business; so I do what the quote says: I do what's necessary first, then what's possible and the impossible seems to happen to me all by itself. Somehow all the stuff that matters to me, manages to get done.

If the things you really love are not getting done or enjoyed maybe it's time to delegate more, and hold off on the non income-generating activities for a while, then once you've achieved financial freedom, the impossible doesn't seem so impossible after all. I may never be Serena Williams, but the world will never complain if there's a new power diva on the block ;)

1 comment:

  1. Action. That's what I take away from this post - the importance of action. Oh yes, without actually DOING things to convert your dreams into realities, your dreams will remain dreams and nothing more. I always like having this fact reinforced. Thank you.
