Tuesday, 31 March 2015

Angelina Jolie's inspirational speech

I couldn't agree more, Angelina Jolie, different is good. Do you guys remember my favourite quote which is: 'it's the unreasonable man that changes the world', well Angelina is naturally unreasonable, and it has certainly paid off for her big time.

I love the fact that a celebrity has admitted to feeling that way. It gives hope to youngsters like my seven year old son who accepts that he might be different too, but now throughly embraces the fact.

I guess that's why I could never be a lawyer as I'm not totally opposed to breaking the rules once in a while or thinking outside the box. After all isn't that the definition of insanity? Doing the same thing that everyone else is doing, but expecting different results. Don't worry folks nothing I choose to do is illegal, just not conventional.

Sometimes you have no choice but to be different and think outside the box, as society won't allow you to be anything else. If having a first class degree in music performance, a gold disc on my wall and a powerful four octave range isn't enough to get on any of the TV reality shows, a lead role in the West End, a record deal with a major British record company or even anything other than being offered a backing vocal role with one of the British artists, then what choice have you got? Oprah Winfrey says that, 'you don't become what you want, you become what you believe'. Well thank goodness my beliefs are not in sync with music industry decision makers. I would now be homeless if they were.

I love the fact that I am different and a non-conformist. According to Angelina Jolie different is good and if it's good enough for her, then it's certainly good enough for me.

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