Thursday 19 March 2015

Dream - Motivational Video

I would like to thank Youtube for this inspiring video

The world belongs to those who dare to dream. It is not up to others to decide whether you deserve to achieve your goal or not, it is up to you. Why do we allow others to force us to settle for mediocrity?

When I think about it I have been told my whole life by adults, who should know better, that I am not good enough, whether that is GCSE English teachers, A Level Music teachers, British record labels, TV reality shows, you name it I've had some individual or other try to crush my dream or self-belief. One time I cried so hard that I thought it would send me into eternal depression! But like the phoenix I rose from the flames and I am now preparing for the greatest opportunity of my career to date: to play the greatest female vocalist of all time!

I now no longer hear the word 'no' and negativity has no power over me. I even wrote a song about it. Some of the most successful people that the world has ever seen were all dreamers. Don't you think it's time you joined them?


  1. I have joined them, Shena, and my successes are coming soon. I promise me.
    I love reading your stories of self-belief and positive self-affirmation, Shena. They are inspirational. And hey, you've GOT to get the part! You already know that.
    Your words have more meaning to me than the video in this post.
    I've just found "How Come You're Dancing". Loving the funk and loving your vocals.

    1. Thanks so much, Gina! It is always lovely to hear from you and know that someone out there is getting value from my blogs lol.

      Keep up the great work yourself!! I am enjoying your blogs and looking forward to manifesting more money into my life soon.

      Keep up the momentum and be excited about what lies ahead for us!!

